PENSON announce Innovation Centre of the future at GOSH DRIVE
By Rosie FurlongSIZE: 6,000 sq. ft
COMPLETION: Autumn 2018

PENSON have collaborated with GOSH (Great Ormond Street Hospital) to deliver a space dedicated to accelerated research and evaluation of new AI-enabled technology. The newly created centre is a potential game-changer for children’s healthcare and is set to create huge improvements to outcomes of patient care.

PENSON designed GOSH DRIVE to be quite literally out of this world – entering the space is like walking on Mars or encountering a spaceship. The totally pink colouration of the centre and ombré paint choices indicate GOSH’s unique work, spirit and personality.
The space is heavily based around open plan collaboration. It offers GOSH’s research team permanent and agile working in a multi-functional environment. Circular desking and the advanced tech-based equipment speed up research and communication between the temporary and permanent staff using the space.
A cinematic area offers an event-based experience while an integrated tech wall seamlessly displays content that delivers results for the teams. Different light settings enhance the space day and night so key events are atmospherically presented, especially when the space is used for up to 100 people.

PENSON originally came up with the idea of ‘hospitality in hospitals’ – comfort in unlikely places. The space is instantly welcoming, easy to navigate and use, and above all else, comfortable. With soft pinks and warm colours, cosy sofas and an open plan kitchen, there is no clinical white in sight. This is the future of research centres. It’s somewhere the experts can call home.
Microsoft & Samsung are key partners in this project, delivering tech across the centre.
The official launch was 10.10.18 featuring guests from across NHS Digital and a range of other innovation partners from the project.
FLOORING: Bespoke by Aldworth, James & Bond