PENSON awarded Best Architectural & Interior Design Company 2020

PENSON have been awarded the SME UK Enterprise Award for Best Architectural & Interior Design Company 2020.
SME UK said ‘PENSON demonstrated excellence, commitment and dedication even in the face of uncertainty.’
This has been timely awarded on #worldarchitectureday and supports PENSON's ability to adapt and perform during 2020’s tumultuous year.
We’re over the moon to have been selected. Thanks to those on the jury who voted for us.
You can view our recent Architecture & Interior Design Projects here.
SME-News are delighted to present the 4th annual UK Enterprise Awards, proudly encompassing a multitude of exciting and vibrant businesses & industries from all over the nation.
The SME Awards brought to you by SME News celebrate the success stories of one of the most important sectors in the UK economy.
Our flagship awards programme UK Enterprise Awards launched in 2017 and has rapidly become a programme that SMEs across the UK are keen to be a part of.
With over 5.9 million SME’s in the UK alone, 2020 is set to be a defining year for small to medium sized businesses and their proud owners!
You can read the SME UK Award press release here.