A few weeks ago a couple of the PENSON team abandoned the comfort of their sofas to spend an evening in a freezing cold Shoreditch alleyway trying their hand at being graffiti superstars with some actual graffiti superstars from The Graffiti Life Gallery.

Here’s Team PENSON getting into the spirit of things alongside their ‘City’ artwork, a different piece of each letter sprayed by a different member of the class.

Now that you’ve seen what we created, take a look at how the professionals do it, the first two of which were taken whilst the girls were being treated to a look at The Graffiti Life Gallery’s current exhibition ‘Star Wars and Stuff’ by Benjamin Badbones.

Thanks to the guys at Herman Miller for inviting us along and to the graffiti artists for letting us in on some tips and tricks. So… who wants a graffiti inspired office decor then?