Let’s face it, we don’t chat enough. We’re all guilty of it. You hop on the tube or train home, face-down in your phone trying to seek solitude whilst avoiding eye contact… Sound familiar?
Thanks to #nationalconversationweek last week, it got us chatting (ha!) here at PENSON HQ about the fact that all of us – you – me – don’t chat enough. Even at work where most of our daily conversation should happen. The depressing fact is that we spend 30 – 40% of our life at work, all the while wishing our time was spent in restaurants and bars, relaxing and chatting. But why can’t you have the same things at work? Your workspace should be a facilitator. It should work hard for you so you can get on with your work/life balance. You should be able to get away from the screens and be able to chat more than just the average water-cooler catch-up (SO last decade). Chance encounters are everything.
PENSON make work your home from home. Sure, no one appreciates a lounge area when you’re used to quiet working, or spaces for the sake of spaces, but, think bigger… your space should be dynamic and offer variety. It needs to evolve and adapt to what you need. It should be fun! It’s super simple, you don’t need a ton of money or even need to move to accommodate more space. You just need an open mind. Here are our tips to get more out of your workspace…
Exude Coolness... There’s no point putting a sofa in if it’s upright and uncomfortable. Make people want to sit there. Make it cool. Not all work has to be done at a desk.

Ready to Transform... Make it flexible, reconfigurable and super slick.

All in One: One space does it all = One community.

No Reception... More welcoming, easy-going & increases the flow of people into the space.

Connect + Join... Add in a cool staircase so different departments can get to know one another away from the lift.
Get Baking... At UKTV we introduced ‘home baking’ – loads of ovens for everyone to use. What could be more homely than being greeted with the smell of freshly baked goodies?

Mix up your spaces, make it unique, make it personal, make it unconventional, make it sociable and you’ll never miss out on the hotly contested biscuit debates, new music comparisons and highly recommended shows to watch on a Sunday night – not to mention all the other positives from being better-connected with your colleagues – like positive work satisfaction and mental well-being. If you want to change up your workspace then get in touch.