Two weeks ago, the PENSON team turned off their screens, stepped out from behind their desks, and jumped straight into party mode – you guessed it… The PENSON Christmas social had arrived!

With a speedy lunch, and a saucy round of secret Santa – think Nerf guns, shot roulette, and some fabulous fish slippers, and you’ve got the ‘tamer’ of our present mayhem – we’d bundled into some taxis, discussing our tactics for our next event of the day…

With Lee’s track record (literally!) – our plans were focused solely on the devious measures needed to prevent him wiping the floor with the lot of us – needless to say, team PENSON’s competitive side was well and truly fired up, and fighting talk was thrown back and forth as we travelled down to TeamSport’s racetrack in Docklands.
We suited up – a look few could pull off better than PENSON’s finest – and hit the tracks! With a few speed demons, some nervous Nancys, and a couple of hardcore adrenaline junkies, our first race went by in a flash… with one race to go, and the competition raised by the surprise results of our first race – round two there was no holding back!

An hour later, we had our champion… (an unsurprising team defeat), and we followed him back – with a fair few murmurs about unfair advantages – to PENSON HQ, where we speedily changed into our party wear ready for part 2…
PENSON don’t do things half-hearted, so obviously, the shots started at 6pm – ordered by our fearless racetrack king, who was definitely in the mood to celebrate his triumphant win as we settled into the Nine Lives bar, with a round of espresso martinis, for our ‘sophisticated’ pre-dinner drinks…
– for those out and about in Bermondsey, it’s definitely worth visiting, the decor (and drinks!) were of a seriously high standard!

Next up, we headed over to Tanner & Co. for our Christmas Dinner… whereupon we indulged in around 20 bottles of wine, 4 Whiskey’s (don’t ask!), and some seriously questionable renditions of Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Total Eclipse of The Heart’…
Merry as can be, meals devoured, festivities at an all-time high, and Bonnie Tyler still going strong, the team headed out into the night…
We made our way over to Dirty Martini in Bishopsgate, where some serious shapes were thrown on the dance floor, many more shots followed, and we danced our way into the small hours of the morning…

Needless to say, as we all appeared the next day, slightly worse for wear, a little dishevelled, and very ready to fill in each other’s blanks… we all agreed it’d been a social to remember (or not in some cases!)

As the team sends off those final emails, empties the fridge, and fires a few parting rounds of nerf gun bullets into the air, we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful start to the new year from all here at PENSON…