2018 brought with it many great things, and amongst those; ‘The Shelfie’.
The Shelfie you say?
What was born out of an ironic hashtag (and considerably better than the ‘belfie’), ‘The Shelfie’ has become a strong movement among interior obsessives, and Pinterest lovers alike…It involves taking the perfect shot of your prized-shelf (obviously the clue is in the name) for social media.
PENSON has long been on the Shelfie trend. We’re the first to hold our hands up and say that the art of a good shelf goes a considerably long way! From quirky focal points to functional storage, we share some of our favourite shelving solutions we have created.
Top Tips for the PERFECT Shelfie:
Floating Shelves become a bold focal feature – and kept minimal – they create a huge amount of impact.

Green shelves and living vertical gardens are a huge hit with PENSON at the moment! What better what to display your collection of leafy greenery?!

Bring on the lights! Funky fairy lights on shelves work as lighting and art…

Grouping by colour is always effective, and utilise whatever you have at home, rather than going out and spending money!

Quality over Quantity – don’t worry about filling up your shelf space – it can be equally as effective – if not more – utilising space to focus on key items…