We’re lucky enough to be based at an office in the heart of SE1; a thirty second walk from Tower Bridge and another thirty second walk to Potters Fields Park – a green little sunspot that looks out across the river Thames and some of the most famous landmarks in history. That’s not a bad place to go and eat your sandwiches at lunchtime, but I know that a lot of other city workers aren’t that lucky. And it isn’t just the workers – being trapped in a tenth floor flat without so much as a window box to help get that spring feeling flowing is an all too familiar feeling for most city dwellers, and I thought you might need a little something to brighten up your day. Welcome to this week’s PENSON’s Pick: the city garden. Just set this blog post to full screen and eat your sandwiches staring at it. That’s a healthy way to live.
But for those of you looking for a busy summer's evening, check out PENSON's Pick - Garden Themed Bars... two sides of the same hazy summer's night coin!